Established Since 2016 , We offer a broad portfolio of services including Air Freight Services, Sea Cargo Services, Customs Clearance Services, Inland Services, Warehousing Services, etc. In the beginning, Our Company Name is PT Dian Santosa Logistics (DSL), currently we have adding another entity, We call PT Dian Santosa Transportindo (DST). Both of them We call DSG (Dian Santosa Group).We offer a full range of excellent air and sea solutions through partnership with leading carriers, as well as streamlined visibility and monitoring of freight movements. We have made a strong repute for impeccable freight logistics services in the world, which is characterized by Timeliness, Flexibility, Swiftness, Safety and Reliability. DSG support by professionalism and great team to serve in our best services and logistics solution. Leveraging on the extensive logistics and communications network, our team can create cost-effective solutions tailored to meet your needs.
DSL allow reacting to rapid changes in the marketplace while minimizing your investment risk and operational cost. Our extensive network of shared warehousing, distribution, and sharing operations enable you to fulfil your commitments to your customers.
read moreImporter need the goods released in timely manner to avoid or minimize High Storage and Demurrage Charges. DS-Logistics is made up of a team of highly-experienced customs brokers and entry writers.
read moreThe changing needs of consumers require manufacturers and e-traders to be increasingly flexible and adaptable, and to provide additional and more complex services. Value-added services increase the value of the product and render it more useful.
read moreWhere cost is the main factor and not time, then we can understand what your needs are. A complete portfolio with robust, reliable, and trustworthy sea freight services. And specially designed to meet your every need.
read moreWhere A time is the critical Issue, we certainly Understand your needed. A comprehensive portfolio of robust and reliable air freight services specifically designed to suit your every need from airport to airport through door to door.
read moreDuring sea transport, everyday goods can sometimes be classified as dangerous. Several restrictions apply to the transportation of the goods, so they must be handled carefully to ensure their safety on the sea and on land.
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